Energy Healing : Reiki and Seichim.

Reiki is an intelligent, universal, spiritual energy, available to all.

Literally translated ‘Ray’ ‘Kee’ in Japanese meaning universal life-force energy.

Gentle, safe and non intrusive.Reiki is a form of energy healing that can be enjoyed in person, remotely or within a remote group.Using my heart and hands to channel healing energy to you, the aim to enhance your flow of life force energy.

I love to think of this like a garden hosepipe that has a few kinks in, not allowing the water to fully flow to your garden.

Energy Healing helps to remove those kinks, ensuring that you are receiving your full quota of vital life force.

Energy Healing focuses on non-invasive techniques to promote wellness by improving energy flow in the body. Consider it a spiritual tune up.

A wonderfully relaxing experience to support whole mind and body healing.

During a remote Energy Healing session we can connect over Zoom, or simply over the airwaves.

On booking I will contact you to discuss your session and set up.

Choose between a 60 or 90 minute sessions in person. Enjoy 30 minutes remotely.

A shorter session is perfect as a taster or a regular top up, whilst a longer session allows for deeper relaxation and healing or a combined treatment session.