Holistic Coaching | Facial Reflexology Therapy | Energy Healing | Reflexology | Energy Psychology
Low energy?
Immune system low?
Not sleeping well?
You are not alone.
Want to prioritise your wellbeing to enjoy living again?
To feel more in control of your life?
To enjoy some restorative and potentially transformational time out from the busyness.
To care less about what others are doing, thinking or saying.
Clients have shared that their sessions help to:
- Reduce Overwhelm, Stress & Anxiety
- Feel Connected to Self
- Give Less Flying Flip Flops to Your Outer World
- Increase Self Belief, Confidence & Esteem
- Improve Sleep Patterns
- Balance Hormones
- Optimise Digestion
- Reduce Physical Aches and Pains
- Improved circulation & lymphatics
- Boost immune system
Is there anything these sessions cannot do!
I’d love to show you how easy this can al be. Book a free taster session and I will show you how.
Taster sessions are available in person at Millhouses, Sheffield S7 and online.
Limited appointments.
If you love your Taster Session, here are the
Full session fees, so that you know in advance.
We will discuss how many sessions would benefit you most.
Courses are available to prebook.
30 mins £45
60 mins £80
90 mins £120
I work with committed and dedicated clients, who are ready for change and transformation.
The taster sessions are not 'freebies', they are an opportunity for you to experience holistic therapies that you are considering investing in.
Passionate, professional, caring, knowledgable, funny are some of the ways clients describe me in their feedback and reviews.
I'd tend to agree!
I absolutely love the work I get to do and so happy that it comes across.
Doing what I do, being me. Walking and working with the path that presented itself nearly 20 years ago, when we lost Dad suddenly to bowel cancer.
Loving, living and learning. Experiencing this rollercoaster ride and playground that we call life. Navigating the wins, wobbles and everything in between.
The highs, the lows, falling off spectacularly and getting back up.
Again and again and again.
I love life, and I love learning. The eternal student.
I am intuitive and take action confidently on inner wisdom, insights and nudges. My intutition goes by the name of Her Indoors. Sometimes, she shouts at me if I take too long to action the nudges.
I plonked an image of a baby on a vision board and two weeks later, conceived our daughter. Despite being discharged from our fertility consultant who shared we'd never have a family naturally because of my age. I was 44 when we had Olive.
I am embracing Menopause and all that comes with it. Transitioning into the next beautiful phase of my life. Giving less and less flying flip flops to the external factors in life, that I simply no longer want to give energy or time to.
My most used phrases are:
"No such thing as a coincidence".
"Thoughts become things - be careful what you wish for."
"If it's not a yes, then it's a no".
My path is support, guide and help. To Positively Affect Change in everything I think do and say.
I am Lynn. I love life, living and learning.